

Ready In:

30 mins




About this Recipe

By: Paromita

Indian Chai Tea Latte or ‘Chai’ in short, is an emotion for most Indians if not all. We love and dream about ‘chai’. The Indian Chai tea latte is a sweet concoction of tea, spices, milk and sugar brewed together till it achieves a beautiful, almost golden colour. In my mother tongue Bengali we call it ‘Doodh’ ‘Cha’, which literally translates to ‘Milk‘ ‘Tea‘.

I remember being a kid, I would wait intently for a visit to my grandmother’s house, as she was the only one who would give me a little cup with ‘chai’ in it. Back then, it was just the excitement of having a beverage that the adults are having.

My love for tea came way later, when I was ready for my first important exam of my life. Only then my mother started allowing me to have some ‘chai’. It was the winter months and I would wake up really early to study, and I get the cup of ‘chai’. And the result was, I fell in love with ‘chai’! And that is why no matter where I travel in the world, I bring my ‘chai’ with me.

You would too, if you give it a try. Over the years I have made chai first thing in the morning day in and day out. So now, I have perfected the way to make chai and follow it everyday.

I also make a chai masala, mostly for the winter months, during summer I mostly just add only ginger to my tea.

What type of tea?

CTC or “crush, tear, curl” tea. It is the way the tea leaves are processed. For this type – black tea leaves are run through a series of cylindrical rollers. The rollers have hundreds of sharp teeth that crush, tear, and curl the leaves. Most Pekoe tea originate from this process like Orange Pekoe.

What type of milk?

As the Indian chai tea latte is brewed or rather simmered for a while to infuse the spices and the tea leaves, it does better with good full fat milk. It will give you the creamier consistency that is the distinct character of Indian milk tea.



  • CTC Tea leaves – 2 tsp
  • Water – 1 cup
  • Milk – 1 cup
  • Sugar – 1 tsp
  • Ginger – 1 inch

For the spice mix

  • Cardamom – 20 – 25 pcs
  • Cinnamon – 4 – 5 sticks
  • Pepper corns – 10 – 12 pcs
  • Cloves – 10 – 12 pcs

Step by Step Instructions

Step 1

For the spice, dry roast the spices and grind to a fine powder.

Step 2

In a saucepan boil a cup of water

Step 3

Crush or grate the ginger and add to the water

Step 4

Add sugar and milk

Step 5

Add the tea leaves and bring to a boil

Step 6

Lower the heat and simmer for 2-3 minutes

Step 7

Enjoy in you favourite cup/mug